By using TeacherX web and or mobile platforms, you agree that:

(i) You are above 18 years
(ii) You are a pre-service, in-service and post service educator from any background with common interest to advance teaching profession locally and globally
(iii) You shall respect the strength of diversity the platform requires
(iv) Your posts, comments and uploads shall not in anyway infringe on rights of others and external users such as fraudulent report, cyber-bullying and phishing or other security threats
(v) You shall report any suspicious activity on your account to the appropriate correspondence.
(vi) In any case of legal implication as a result of your post, you shall be liable to damages as proscribed by the other party
(vii) The technical team reserves the right to deactivate suspicious and unverified accounts found to be a threat to the well being of others and their rights or for suspicious activity
(viii) For integrity sake, the team fosters the unrivalled censorship of contents such as ads and marketing resources. Users how it a duty to embark on secondary level of validation except otherwise