Blog Articles

Teaching Nugget

The other day, one of my students came to me and said. . .
(I paraphrase) "Mr Oluwadara, I really don't like Physics. It doesn't excite me but if you were not our Teacher, I would not only not like it, I'll be failing it. You are always excited when you teach, you bring a lot of enthusiasm and passion to it which makes me want to study it enough to be good at it". Reflecting on this statement brought two lessons to the fore for me as a Teacher:
First, the enthusiasm and passion you bring to class is very important. Probably, more important than your content knowledge. Students will learn more with a Teacher who is enthusiastic about his subject and who is happy to have the students in class than from a Teacher who is not enthusiastic about his work in the first place.
Second, not all students will like your subject even when you try. Some will rather be doing other things. That a student doesn't fancy your subject doesn't make that student a dullard. Be patient with them as though you're trying to have a new convert.

P.S: The said student went on to have an A. Before she left school she wrote me a note saying that even though she still is not overtly excited by Physics, she knows she can study it even at higher level and do well.
#teaching #teachingnuggets #memoirofateacher #emotionalintelligence

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Daveboard (David Oluwadara) is a STEM (Sciences) teacher. He teaches mostlyK-12

students. He is from Nigeria.


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